Programmes for people with ABI
FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO MAKE A REFERRAL TO ANY SERVICE BELOW CALL 0121-457-7541 and speak to our Head of Services or email
We provide a number of services for brain injured people to suit the varying needs of individuals at different levels of the brain injury journey. The services are aimed at all severities of brain injury from mild to severe and are based at either our Hubs, in the community and at home according to what best suits the individual at that time with the focus in the following areas:-
a person centred and holistic approach to continued rehab
a full assessment of the persons individual needs
re-learning of lost skills – education, cognitive & social
learning coping/ compensation strategies
better understanding of your brain injury
learning how to modify behaviours
meeting with other brain injured people
acquiring new interests/skills
flexibility & choice of activities
support in all areas of cognition
receiving ongoing guidance support
accessing community activities
avoiding isolation & deterioration
helping with memory and reasoning
support to become more independent
improving self confidence and self esteem
being able to socialise again and be with others
addressing problems with following instructions
supporting greater independence
enabling new directions

Headway Birmingham & Solihull's services for people with ABI are unique in that it specialises in delivering a service tailored to suit the individual needs of brain injured people. We have a person centered approach which is based on each individual, their deficits and needs. We then identify what choices/services we can offer that best meet their specific requirements. All the services focus on the improvement and management of skills for each individual, from the moment they arrive each day, until they go home. Each person's care package is fully comprehensive and outcome based.
The services are available to people with acquired brain injury who will usually have completed formal clinical rehab (physio, OT etc). At this stage many people may still be unable to return to work, but are ready to start to re-integrate back into the community and may need continued development opportunities and support to do this and will possible need one of our programmes below. Those who are more recovered or have milder brain injuries may be ready to return to work or volunteering, so may benefit from our vocational courses.
for people with acquired brain injury
The service currently offers a variety of programmes and activities, tailored to suit different needs and levels of recovery based at Headway House in Moseley, Leighton House in Rubery and New Sutton House in Sutton Coldfield. Programmes usually run in the day time (though some may be evening or weekends) and can be full day or half day sessions.
3 R's Programme - Recover, Regain, Rebuild
A variety of structured activities in Hubs and out in the community aimed at helping people with continued recover and rebuilding their lives again. There are a wide range of activities across the course including Core brain injury sessions, Access to Leisure, IT/Technologies, Independent Living and well being sessions.
Life Enrichment Groups
Aimed at more mature brain injured people or those 'further down the line'. These programmes still include the main Core brain injury, Access to Leisure, IT for Leisure, Wellbeing, Social groups and activities aimed at Ageing Better.
Vocational Assistance Programme
Training programmes aimed at teaching work skills, ready for volunteering or access to further education/work etc.
Include many e-learning sessions and training workshops over 50 weeks to include reflective learning journals and a passport of achievement.
VocLg - Vocational and Life Goals
For those wanting to focus on gaining a qualification or pursuing more individual projects such as travel training, becoming a Headway Ambassador or personal interests and projects.
Aimed at younger brain injured people looking at setting new life goals.
Community Outreach - 1 to 1
1 to 1 Support Workers working in the community, providing support and guidance to enable people to lead more integrated and independent lives. Helping them to learn how to be more independent as well as accessing health, social, leisure, educational and volunteering opportunities that they would be unable to do unsupported. A Support Worker can help clients attend appointments, travel train, take a holiday and much more.
All clients on our ABI day programmes are able to access our CLINICS free as part of the overall service provided. These include Therapies, AIG, Counselling and SFA.
Please call and speak to Becky Whenham for more details about any of the above programmes.
0121 457 7541 headofservices@headway-bs.org.uk