Comments, Compliments & Complaints
Our Mission is “to promote greater understanding of all aspects of brain injury and provide support, information and services for people who have sustained brain injury, their families and carers”.
It helps us to know what people think about the services we provide. We would like to have your views as to whether you are happy or unhappy in any way with our services.
You may use our services, or be a carer, relative or friend of someone who does.
If you have a complaint, we will do all we can to respond as quickly as possible and explain the results to you.
What to do if you wish to complain
STAGE 1 In the first instance, please ask to talk to a Service lead – Co-ordinator/Supervisor or Manager (depending on which service) to give comments or discuss/ resolve any complaints informally.
If you feel this is not resolved:-
STAGE 2 Further complaints can be given to the next in line -Service Manager/Head of department, formally using this form or via email/ letter.
When making a comment, compliment or complaint, you should give as much detail as possible
If you are still not satisfied with the resolution to your complaint:-
STAGE 3 You can write within 2 months of the complaint decision, to the Head of department where an appropriate appeal panel will be arranged within 21 days. The appeal (which you may attend) or may be done remotely, will consider all relevant information and then convene to issue a decision. The decision of the appeal panel is final.
Full copy of Complaints Procedure, can be obtained from the Personnel Department.
For all Comments, Compliments or Complaints you can either email enquiries@headway-bs.org.uk or complete the form below.