Effects of Brain Injury
Tiredness, headaches, weakness, reduced balance/co-ordination, mobility difficulties, loss of control of functions, epilepsy, affected taste/smell/sight/hearing etc
90% of people receiving a severe brain injury make a good physical recovery. This means their disability is effectively hidden – but it remains nonetheless real. This is why brain injury is often referred to as the ‘hidden’ disability – people can empathise over a broken leg, but are less likely to understand something that they can’t see.
In this section we hope to give you a little understanding of some of the effects that people may experience as a result of a brain injury. No two people are affected in quite the same way and each person may have their own unique set of problems.The experience of a brain injury can be very confusing in ways that the BI person may find difficult to describe and often may not be aware of some of the effects themselves.
The effects of a brain injury can be many and varied and whether a person has a mild, moderate or severe brain injury, one or many of the following may be experienced:-

Difficulty following a converstation, TV programmes etc
Memory problems
Difficulty solving a problem or making a decision
Lack of concentration/short attention span
Difficulty dealing with everyday tasks – dressing, cooking, shopping etc
Problems with following instructions
Difficulty understanding things
Poor reasoning
Loss of previously learned skills
Difficulty learning new things
Lack of awareness of problems
Social skills
Inappropriate social behaviour
Withdrawn/lacking confidence
Difficulty maintaining relationships
Sexual problems
Poor judgement
Communicaiton difficulties
Less tolerant – noise, crowds etc
Lack of goals
Loss of previously learned skills
Showing/recognising emotion

Behaviour and emotional
Personality change
Mood swings
Lack of motivation
Less tolerant – noise, crowds etc
Lack of goals
Loss of previously learned skills
Showing/recognising emotions
The severity of their difficulties will also vary:
Some will be obvious
Some will be less so
Difficulty maintaining relationships
Many people go through stages where they may experience these difficulties and then adapt with time
Others may be left with long term problems